INTRODUCTION: If every country in the world follows the lifestyle of developed countries, which would have not even be 30% of the present populace, the world populace might finish nearly three to six of world’s resources within a single year.There is minimal research work found that provides an insightful overview of green business strategies in terms of RMG sectors of Bangladesh.Ready-made garment manufacturing sector is rising globally at a very high speed to encounter increased demand for clothes, fiber, wools, and fabrics.

Definitions of green business: Green business (GB) maintains the sustainability of ecofriendly, financial, and social targets within the production area and tries to form a strong foundation for all three pillars of sustainability in business processes. Green business is reflected as a sustainable initiative that upholds the triple bottom line by reducing the adverse effects of its activities on the societal, economic, and environmental procession locally or globally.
Overview of green business strategy within RMG sectors in Bangladesh: Bangladesh was referred to a basket with no bottom since her independence in 1971, and it was said that it was an indicator of a disaster. People used to think of the RMG sector in Bangladesh as a site of slavery, child labor, and as a representative of small businesses. However, currently, the RMG sectors are booming at high speed and already become one of the most crucial sectors for earning foreign currency.

Sustainable development : Sustainability is the term selected to cross the development of the environmental gap without minimizing economic benefit. The RMG organization needs to keep a healthy supply of natural resources for both current and future aspects. Besides the use of green business strategy, RMG firms can create pressure for attaining sustainability within the interconnected sector.

Idealization:.The green business principle is covered by the extent of the green policies that the organizations are going to take, for example, energy-efficiency/minimum power, operational safety, personal health, proper utilization of cost, and waste management.
Realization: In terms of green business, the realization is acted prospects of adjusting and checking mechanism of the management. This uses an existing proprietary personalized knowledge, which enables additional data to be used from a range of sources on various aspects of the industry.
Conclusions and recommendations: RMG companies are now facing tremendous pressure from increasing environmental concerns to integrate their business strategies with ecological governance.As Bangladeshi RMG sectors are expanding rapidly.Bangladesh’s green garment industry has the potential to set new standards for ethical and sustainable manufacturing, proving that responsible business is not only feasible but also essential for a better future.
Umma maria islam
Bangladesh home economics College Dhaka
General Member of TES